You're in!
Thank you for joining! Here are some things to know to get you started on your journey (this information is also in your registration confirmation email).
Course Access
Within one business day (Monday-Friday) you will receive an email (in addition to your confirmation email) with an invitation to access the course content on Notion, which will require the creation of a free Notion account. We will send your Notion access to the same email address you just used to create your Memberspace account unless you specify a different one on the short pre-course check-in form below.
You won’t need to access this webpage for much beyond today, but you can come back to it as needed (or simply refer to your confirmation email). Memberspace is the payment platform we use to protect our content, but once you have access to Notion you will engage with the course content there.
Navigation of the course on a desktop/laptop computer via your browser or the desktop Notion app seem to be the most user-friendly ways to access the course, although you can also (or alternatively) use a mobile device web browser, or the mobile Notion app. There are additional navigation tips and tricks for you in the first section of the course.
You are welcome to explore Slack and Miro while you wait for your Notion course access.
Course Interaction, Questions, & Feedback
You can use Slack to engage with other course takers, ask questions, and get feedback from myself and others. Slack is a group messaging application that makes conversation and collaboration easy. If you aren’t interested in using Slack, and have questions about course material, you can email me at
How To:
Join the Death & Co Slack and request access to the private channel called human centered design for deathcare. The Death & Co Slack is a lively community of death and grief workers with channels for events, collaborations, and more.
Slack can be used in a web browser, and/or you can download the mobile or desktop app as desired.
When there is new activity in a Slack channel the channel will show in bold. Slack will show you the newest content since your last visit.
You can change your notification settings, pause notifications, or set notification schedules (under pause notifications) in your profile settings. You can even mute notifications for other channels by going to the channel, clicking on the bold channel name at the top, and adjusting the settings there. (Note that if you mute a channel all contents of that channel will show as “read” so you won’t have a place keeper for what is a new post since your last check in.
Here are some Slack Tutorials
If you would like virtual support beyond what email & Slack can offer, you can email me at to request a time to connect.
You are also encouraged to create a free Miro account. Miro is a digital whiteboard collaboration platform and you will see examples of it in use in the course. It may come in handy in your future endeavors with clients and community. You can create a free account and start exploring templates and more on their site. Learn more about the platform in this short video and on their YouTube channel.
Pre-Course Check-In
Please answer the questions below as a pre-course check in. If you are on a mobile device, it may be easier to head to this link.